Angelina Jolie Ventures into Fashion and Jewelry Line with Atelier Jolie

By Jazzlr 02-Apr-2023 Comments (0)
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Angelina Jolie has been relatively quiet about her acting career in recent years, preferring to devote her energy to raising her six children and working behind the camera. However, she may be about to embark on a new venture. It is consider that could take her away from acting altogether: the launch of a fashion and jewelry line. According to reports, the 47-year-old actress has applied for a global trademark for her new brand, Atelier Jolie. It will feature a range of products from bespoke jewelry to high-end clothing. 

Sources close to Jolie suggest that she has been working on the project for more than a year. Also mentioned that her designs will focus on sustainability, reflecting her longstanding commitment to eco-consciousness. While it may be some time before Jolie’s creations hit stores, the insider adds that “the wheels are in motion.” It also indicating that Jolie is serious about her new venture. This may be just the beginning for Jolie, who reportedly hopes to expand her business empire into other areas. Only if her fashion and jewelry line proves successful. 

Jolie’s Commitment to Sustainable Fashion and Potential Rivalry with Celebrity Lifestyle Brands

Jolie’s commitment to sustainable fashion is a passion she has shared with her children, who have been seen repurposing some of her old red-carpet dresses. It is likely that Jolie’s new brand will reflect her classic sense of style, with a contemporary twist. If successful, her lifestyle empire could potentially rival those of other celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop or Jessica Alba’s The Honest Company. 

Overall, it appears that Angelina Jolie is venturing into a new business endeavor with her fashion and jewelry line. With her focus on sustainability and her keen sense of style, it will be interesting to see how her creations are received by the public and whether she will indeed become a major player in the lifestyle industry.

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